Silk journey stays on a greener path

Transforming fluffy white silkworm cocoons nurtured on Chinese mulberry trees into high-fashion silk shirts, blouses, jackets and other garments is a long, multi-stage process of harvesting, washing, spinning, weaving, dying and sewing. One privately owned Hong Kong company will soon own and manage every stage of this silk journey.

Bombyx, named after the Latin word for the silkworm, was established in 2018 by Andrew and Hilmond Hui, father-and-son entrepreneurs who have invested in the social importance and future profitability of organic and sustainable enterprise.

Hilmond and Andrew Hui

Their investment is a long-term bet on what the world needs in a time of climate change and increasing environmental sensitivity, and what the world will pay for in the decades to come

Bombyx, the Huis say, will forge a sustainable trail for other silk producers to follow, using the latest best practice in irrigation, with terracing and wells, in agriculture with double cropping and chemical-free nurture, and in manufacture with sustainable energy use in the factory – 90 minutes from the mulberry trees in Sichuan, southwest China.