Tarnished monster of rock ’n’ roll

Tarnished monster of rock ’n’ roll

All tight black leather trousers, a black leather vest and multiple loops of swinging gold chain, Gary Glitter was rocking on. The 1973 concert at Sydney’s endearingly shabby (even then) Hordern Pavilion was so awful it was almost good, in a stand back and marvel at the spectacle sort of way. And of course the …read more

Creative Fashion

Creative Fashion

Hard at work in her office at the top of a candy-coloured rococo building in downtown Hanoi, Christina Yu is thinking about colour and shape and line and texture. Four floors down, the Ipa-Nima showroom is bursting with her rainbow creations: handbags in hues as varied as burgundy, olive green, deep purple, hot pink and …read more

Vietnam’s truth-tellers renew bonds of friendship

Vietnam's truth-tellers renew bonds of friendship

THE blood-soaked Vietnam War made war correspondents famous, sent them mad, wounded them, and killed them. Reporters and photographers risked death and mutilation for a key photo, or an eyewitness account of a battle. They could see as much combat as they could endure, they could hitch helicopter rides to hot landing zones; they could …read more